Saturday, December 5, 2009

He gave her good food. A few more very minor slips brought renewed punishment but they were the last gasps of resistance. She found it increasingly difficult to think of anything but the ship her duties her behavior pleasing him..

" She smiled at him. "You know you can trust me Mandorallen. " "With my life your Majesty " he replied and lifted his horn to his lips. As his last ringing notes faded Ce'Nedra her stomach churning with the now-familiar nausea rose in her stirrups to speak. "Legionnaires " she called to them. "I am Princess Ce'Nedra the daughter of your Emperor. " It wasn't perhaps the best beginning in the world but she had.
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Do you have a turkey?" "No " she said sheepishly. "Smoked trout. " "Smoked trout?" "That's all I could find. " Several of the women whispered "Smoked trout?" "Who has a turkey?" Frohmeyer asked. "We have two " said Jude Becker. "Both in the oven. " "Great " said Frohmeyer. "Cliff you take a team down to Brixley's and get his Frosty. Get some lights too we'll string 'em along Luther's boxwoods here. Everybody go home change clothes grab whatever extra food you can find and meet back here in a half hour. " He looked at Saline and Treen and said "You guys head to the airport. " "For what?" asked Salino. "Blair needs a ride home. " "I'm not sure if we can. " "Shall I call the Chief?" Treen and Salino headed for their car. The neighbors began to scatter now that they had their instructions from Frohmeyer. Luther and Nora watched them disperse up and down Hemlock all moving quickly all with a purpose. Nora looked at Luther with tears.
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